Download the Ultimate Stock Gifting Guide for Nonprofits

Appreciated stock represents $100 billion in potential funding for Nonprofits. It’s time to make stock gifting central to your fundraising strategy today! Download our Stock Gifting Toolkit created for Nonprofits to take advantage of this vast untapped source of funding.

Through this guide we’ll show you how to capitalize on stock gifting as a means of diversifying and bolstering your strategic fundraising program. Take advantage of this unparalleled opportunity for both you and your donors – together we can change millions of lives!

Setting up nonprofits for success

Accepting stock donations is a huge opportunity for funding for your nonprofit and DonateStock was launched to help your organization tap into it. Through stock donations, your nonprofit can raise more from existing donors, attract new supporters, and grow your online brand. You can easily claim your nonprofit's page on the DonateStock website and gain access to the tools available there. The platform is free, and transaction fees are between 2-3%, considerably less than what nonprofits typically pay to receive cash donations.