
It takes a village to power charitable giving for everyone. We are proud to partner with leading companies, associations and organizations to seamlessly integrate charitable stock gifting throughout the industry.

DonateStock Partnerships
Partners » Classy
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Classy, an affiliate of GoFundMe and Public Benefit Corporation, creates meaningful connections through giving by empowering nonprofits to take advantage of every opportunity to connect with donors and build lasting relationships.

About Classy

Classy is a giving platform that enables nonprofits to connect supporters with the causes they care about. We believe giving should be easy, so we created a solution for online fundraising that creates great experiences for supporters. Through technology, we empower nonprofits to unlock the generosity of their supporters and help them advance their missions.

Why we’re partnering

Classy has chosen to partner with DonateStock to make stock gifting accessible and manageable for our thousands of nonprofit customers. Recognizing that appreciated stock offers unique tax advantages to donors, we’re making it easy for nonprofits to diversify and grow with ease.

How we work together

Today, we encourage nonprofits to register and add DonateStock’s Easy Button for Stock Gifting™ on their “Ways to Give” page, enabling Classy nonprofits to offer stock gifting that is fast, safe, and free for donors without requiring upfront or fixed fees. Classy customers also gain access to custom content to educate and engage donors. Look for more opportunities to come from this growing partnership!

Next Steps for Classy Customers

If you are a Classy customer, click below to get started.

Get Started

To learn more about stock gifting please visit Stock Gifting for Nonprofits.