DonateStock and BetterUnite Democratize Stock Gifting

DonateStock BetterUnite

DonateStock and BetterUnite Unlock Stock Gifting for All

Strategic partnership makes stock gifting available to all BetterUnite nonprofits

HOUSTON, TX November 28, 2022 – DonateStock and BetterUnite announced a strategic partnership to arm BetterUnite’s entire base of nonprofit customers with an Easy Button for Stock Gifting. By making stock gifting accessible and easy for nonprofits and their donors, they aim to unlock millions in new funding for nonprofits of all sizes.

Also announced is a $100,000 matching pool for stock gifts on Giving Tuesday. On November 29, 2022 DonateStock will match stock gifts up to $1,000. For details please read the press release.

While stock gifting represents $100 billion in annual funding, it has only been utilized by the largest nonprofits and the wealthiest donors. The lack of access and a painstaking, manual stock gifting process has been a major deterrent for both donors and nonprofits.

DonateStock’ is closing that gap by providing access and removing friction for all nonprofits while making it fast, safe and free for all donors.

With this collaboration, BetterUnite’s nonprofit customers can now offer donors a more tax-advantaged way to support their mission with appreciated stock. When supporters donate appreciated stock, they can avoid capital gains tax on the increased value of the stock while deducting the fair market value of the gift. Donors can click a button on a BetterUnite donation page or embedded form, then DonateStock facilitates the online donation, converts the stock to cash and distributes the proceeds to the nonprofit while providing transparency, notifications and dashboard reporting. Best of all, there is no cost to get started.

"We are always looking for innovative ways to support nonprofits in their fundraising efforts, and DonateStock has built really cool tech that solves a long-standing problem” says Leya Simmons, BetterUnite Founder and CEO. “This integration into the BetterUnite super app has a lot of giving potential for nonprofits,"

"We love working with Leya and her team at BetterUnite and are very excited to launch this initiative to make stock gifting available to nonprofits of all sizes,” said Erin Arend, SVP Corporate Development. “By embedding our easy button in the BetterUnite giving platform we can help thousands of nonprofits impact millions of lives.”

About DonateStock

DonateStock is a fintech startup that is transforming charitable giving by making stock gifting easy and accessible to millions of nonprofits and donors. DonateStock streamlines the stock gifting process to help donors save on taxes while having greater impact. Nonprofits benefit from larger pre-tax donations along with the tools, automation and support needed to diversify and scale stock gifting. By making stock gifting easy and accessible to all, DonateStock is helping thousands of nonprofits impact millions of lives. Put stock in something that matters at

About BetterUnite
BetterUnite is a nonprofit software ecosystem that brings all of the tools organizations need to manage their efforts and raise money into one “super app”. Using AI and aggregating functions, BetterUnite saves nonprofits time, effort and money and elevates all of their operations. There are no outset cost, no contracts, no hidden fees to the nonprofits. Flexible, transaction-based pricing means nonprofits can use BetterUnite software at their discretion, when they need and on their timeline. By streamlining effort, workflow and increasing donations at little to no cost, BetterUnite is transforming the software experience so that nonprofits can get back to the business of changing the world. Let’s Go Do Some Good,

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